City of Yoncalla without water after line bursts | Yoncalla |

2022-10-01 09:12:34 By : Ms. Linda Yin

Sunny skies. High 88F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph..

Clear skies. Low 53F. Winds light and variable.

Residents of the City of Yoncalla have been without water since Thursday morning.

City Administrator Jennifer Baird said the main water line burst at the city’s water treatment plant. Baird said that caused a 60 foot crater in the earth, which led to the system going into “backwash” mode, which ultimately fried a lot of equipment in the plant.

Two reverse 911 calls were made to residents to alert them to the situation.

Baird said a number of parts were quickly ordered with some coming from Seattle and other areas. She believes staff has all the parts needed but much work remains to make repairs.

Baird said help has been coming from around the area, with various businesses and others delivering pallets of water to city hall, so they can be given out to residents.

Baird said staff followed health protocols and notified the Oregon Health Authority. While no one in Yoncalla has water service for now, when they do residents will be on a “boil water” order. Baird said residents must purge their lines for 15 minutes when service returns, and can then shower.

North Douglas Parks and Recreation will open the showers at the community pool in Drain from 7-9 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. Baird said people can take showers there, as long as they bring their own towel.

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